The piety skill can vary from god to god. There is no cultural rule stopping cross overs of cultures and gods or mixing more than one gods - an Olvian from becoming pious to both Sothaal and the Twin Gods if they wish, for example. All that is required is dedication to their chosen Gods and the principles, rites and ceremonies which they follow. Please give Refs a 30 min notice to doing a ritual so someone can come and watch.
Each of the different branches of piety are a separate skill and therefor must be learnt and taught separately.
Where as you do not need to have piety in order to be a priest of a certain god, with the mild exception of Nasni's Weihas where it is very much preferred, you do require piety to beseech the god in question in rituals, interpret their whispered will and have your prayers be answered. Furthermore, the relationship you foster with your god seems to lend power to a craftable item of your religious fervor.
The difference between being a Priest and having Piety
Being a priest of a certain god is an IC job position, with its rewards earned through RP and heroic actions in game. You can be the priest of the group you enter with but it doesn't entitle you to power over the rest of the players. It also doesn’t mean the gods will listen to you, only that you uphold The Way of The Gods in society.
Piety means you have fostered and are fostering a closer connection with your gods than others are, even some of the religious leaders in your society. This can bring great benefits to those who maintain such a relationship.
The Way Of…
Each people of Erda have their own way of doing things. The Way of The Gods changes across the land and from village to village: an ever changing landscape of worship. There are, however, some staples of worship home-grown in the country the specific god shepherds, which rarely deviates and are strong examples of how to worship.
Here are links to the religious ways of certain gods. You do not need piety to participate in or oversee the ways of the gods, but it can help - as the most pious are the most listened to. There is no way of Wyk - it is lost.
Beseeching the Gods
Anyone can observe and participate in the way of a certain god or group of deities (See ‘The Way Of..’ sections for more) but the rites and rituals of daily life pale in comparison to those whom foster a strong relationship with their chosen patron, or patrons.
Beseeching the gods is a personal affair - every ritual is crafted with great care, attention and love. They make great offerings, sing, dance and chant in just the hope that prayers will be answered.
There is no set way to beseech - just follow your heart and remember what the gods love the most. The more dramatic and rich the ritual, the better the answer could be.
Each pious individual knows of the recipes priests often keep to themselves for use in their own religious rites. For some reason, those whom are pious seem to have better luck crafting them then even some of the most seasoned non-pious religious leaders. A pious person can only make one once a day. The craftables do not stack on an individual without express dispensation from the gods - ask them.
The craftables are subject to needing some materials to make them. See the Botany ref for your tags.
Athus and Athal
A bright blue woad to be painted on the body of a willing individual in traditional Albian patterns.
The woad gives players an extra chance at CPR if they exceed their death count with the first bead pulled staying absent. This effect lasts a day, but can only be used once.
Requirements to make:
Petals and leaves of a plant bright blue in colour - water from an albian stream. Boiled for an hour.
A blót in a serpentine shape made from ash and donated blood across the face of the blessed.
Requirements to make:
Donated blood and ash made from ritually burnt herbal offerings- the burnt offerings are only considered ash after an hour of burning.
The blot gives players an extra minute added to their death count - the effect lasts the day but can only be used once.
Traditionally made White Sunana. Applied in swirling Olvian patterns across the face and arms of the blessed, willing individual.
Requirements to make:
Petals and leaves of a plant white in colour - ground and purified for an hour in incense ash and mixed with salt water.
The White Sunana imbues the wearer with a sense of vitality which gives them one extra HP globally - the effect is in place across a day but once the extra HP is gone it's gone.
Ritually created hot ash to mark and charr the hands of a willing individual.
Requirements to make:
The Ashes from a fire made from the flesh of a warrior and herbal offerings - incinerated for an hour before the willing individual scorches his hands in the smoulders.
This allows the one receiving the blessing to grip and use whatever weapon they are handed first, regardless of skills. They then can only use that weapon for that day only.
Colourful ribbons anointed with fragrant flower cordial tied on the body of a willing individual.
Requirements to make:
Hand pressed floral cordial and strips of ribbons - the floral cordial must be created fresh, steeping for 50 minutes and then purified for a further 10 with prayers.
Morrgan imbues the wearer with nimble fingers and a sharp, precise mind. All crafting times are 10% less for the rest of the day.