The Core Team
A bit more about us!
Founder and creator of ERDA, Hollie has been larping and helping organise LARPs since 2013. She started her own system in 2015 and Erda's been running ever since!
With a BA(hons) In Games Design, Hollie is passionate about bringing you the best game experience she can deliver.
Hollie is responsible for everything ERDA. She manages most of the functions of the system; from the rules to bookings, plot and world building to costume and set design. What she doesn't do, she delegates to the rest of her amazing core team.
She likes her tea strong, with milk and a single sugar.
You can ask me about:
Basically Everything
Rules Disputes
Plot and World Questions
Character Creation and Backstory Questions
Ticket Questions and Refunds
Trading inquiries
Site policies and Safety
Unusual things.
'Would you like a cup of tea?'
Kier has also been larping since 2013, stepping in to help Hollie with aspects of ERDA during 2016.
Kier is responsible for helping Hollie with plot writing as well as being Botany Ref Logistics Crew and General Helper on site.
He likes his tea strong, with milk and one and a half sugars.
Rules Disputes
Plot Questions and Developments
Botany Questions (Referee)
You can ask me about:
Wayne has been in the hobby for around 15 years - 5 of them were spent as a faction ref for Curious Pastimes across two different factions.
As a fully trained and experienced safety ref, he works with Gav to keep our game safe.
Wayne also runs the crew room, getting those encounters out to our players on time as well as aiding Julia in the kitchen when needs be.
You can ask me about:
Rules Disputes
Weapons Check
Crew Hut Organisation
Current Plot and Developments
General Crewing inquiries
Gaming for 26 years, Julia has lent her experience to the running of 3 systems. She's ran hospitality in 5 systems - having been head-hunted for 4 - and now is helping ERDA with costume, make up, props, logistics and more.
Julia is dedicated to providing delicious catering for the system as well as filling the much needed (and appreciated) role of Crew Mum!
Julia lends her communication and counselling skills to provide support for crew and players if they need it.
Jewels Design, run by Julia, is nearly always present at ERDA events, bringing loads of jewellery and sculpture shine-ies.
You can ask me about:
Catering - especially allergy/diet requisites
Conflict resolution
Make Up
Crew Hut Organisation
General Crewing inquiries
Nick is one of our amazing in game refs. Not only does he provide a huge amount of support for the game on field, but is vital for the set up and logistics team.
"Has resting angry face."
You can ask me about:
Rules Disputes
Camp questions
Salvage Referee
Gavin, with 14 years of larp under his belt, not only aids with props, armour and weapons safety for the system but is also a vital part of the set up and logistics team as well as being one of our in game refs.
Gavin also runs the fantastic DarkRaven Armoury and offers his 8 years of expertise as a weapons maker and 5 years of weapons checking to ERDA.
You can ask me about:
Rules Disputes
Weapons Check
Safety Ref
Camp Questions
Salvage and Crafting Referee